MusicMedia Science

Guerino Mazzola

See also my Encyclospace homepage for recent scientific information


Curriculum Vitae

Presentations and Invited Talks

Review Board Publications

Other Publications

Books and Reports

LPs, CDs, and Music for Movies


Distinctions/Honours, Participations to "Review Board" or Professional Societies

Curriculum Vitae

Presentations and Invited Talks

  1. May 1983 Referat (mit Piano-Rezital), Internationales Beethoven-Fest in Bonn. 
  2. Sept. 1983 Seminar Mathematik/Musik D. Scott, C.M.U. Pittsburgh. 
  3. April 1984 Round-Table-Diskussion und Referat mit Präsentation des Musik-Computers, Salzburger Musikgespräch, Vorsitz: H. von Karajan. 
  4. Sept. 1984 Musik und Mathematik: Hauptreferat DMV-Jahrestagung in Kaiserslautern.
  5. January 1985 Musik und Mathematik: Kolloquium des math. Seminars der Universität Hamburg.
  6. Feb. 1985 Modulationstheorie in reiner Stimmung: Seminar Wille, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt.
  7. April 1985 Musik und Mathematik: Kolloquium des Mathematischen Instituts der Universität Münster.
  8. Mai 1985 Symmetrien oder Obertöne: Was ist Harmonie?: Internationales Symposion Mikrotöne I, Salzburg.
  9. August 1985 Structures of Depth-EEG-Responses to Musical Stimuli With Special Emphasis on the Limbic System and Consonance-Dissonance-Dichotomy: 5th Workshop on Physical and Neuropsychological Foundations of Music (J. Roederer), Ossiach.
  10. Okt. 1985 Seminare "Modulationstheorie" u. "Hirnforschung": Freies Musikzentrum München.
  11. Nov. 1985 Gruppen und Kategorien in der Musik: Die Yoneda-Philosophie: 2. Darmstädter Tagung über Mathematik und Musik.
  12. Nov. 1985 Infinitesimale Strukturen im Kontrapunkt: Workshop "Mathematische Musiktheorie" Technische Hochschule Darmstadt.
  13. Dec. 1985 Globale Strukturen in der Musik: Kolloquium am Mathematischen Institut der Universität Frankfurt.
  14. January 1986 Musik und Hirnforschung: Tagung "Zeit und Musik" (Prof. Pöppel, Univ. München), Werner-Reimers- Stiftung Bad Homburg.
  15. März 1986 Structure and Music: UCLAF-Tagung "Structural Models in Science", Paris.
  16. April 1986 Wissenschaftliche Forschung und innovative Technologie: UHAG Management-Meeting, Bad Ragaz.
  17. May 1986 Ein Orgelkonzert wird von einem epileptischen Anfall unterbrochen: H.v.Karajan-Symposion und Round-Table "Computermusik und Gehirnforschung", Wien. 
  18. June 1986 Konstruktion einer Sonate aus Symmetrien: Symmetrie-Symposion Technische Hochschule Darmstadt. 
  19. July 1986 Globale Strukturen in der Musik: Kolloquium am Mathematischen Institut der Universität Wuppertal.
  20. July 1986 Beethovens op.106 und mathematische Analyse: Mathematisches Seminar an der Universität Mainz.
  21. July 1986 Mathematische Modulationstheorie: Referat während der Ferienkurse für Neue Musik, Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt.
  22. Oct. 1986 Nützt mathematische Untersuchung dem Verstehen und Empfinden von Musik? Seminar am Freien Musikzentrum, München.
  23. Dec. 1986 Das Glasperlenspiel und die Schrittmacher der Fantasie: ETH-Symposion über Computer-Musik, Zürich.
  24. May 1987 Konsonanz, Dissonanz und verborgene Symmetrien: Internationales Symposion Mikrotöne II, Salzburg.
  25. Oct. 1987 Referate "Verborgene Symmetrien in Raphaels Schule von Athen" und "Modulationen" In: Kurs Nr. 741 "Musisches in den mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern" der Zentralstelle für Lehrerfortbildung, Bern.
  26. Nov. 1987 Mathematische Klassifikation und ästhetische Relevanz: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie, Hamburg.
  27. May 1988 MDZ71 - Hard- und Software zur mathematischen Musiktheorie: H.v.Karajan-Symposion Wien.
  28. May 1988 Beethoven und Raffael im Computer: Vortragsreihe "Neue Medien: Auf-Bruch der Kunst", Kunstakademie Nürnberg.
  29. Sept. 1988 Mathematische Musiktheorie: Exaktheit vs. Kreativität: Symposion "Musikwissenschaft gegen Musik?", Universität Zürich.
  30. Sept. 1988 Präsentation des MDZ71 anlässlich der Uraufführung von Jan Berans Klavierkonzert "Der intergalaktische Saitensprung des Ludwig Jan B" im Kunsthaus Zürich.
  31. Nov. 1988 Globale diskrete Strukturen in Musik und Chemie: Kombinatorik-Tagung an der Universität Bielefeld.
  32. Dec. 1988 Computergraphische Operationalisierung der mathematischen Musiktheorie: Informatik-Kolloquium an der Universität Zürich.
  33. April 1989 Tempo- und Stimmungsfelder - Perspektiven zukünftiger Musikcomputer: Internationales Symposion Mikrotöne III. Salzburg.
  34. Februar 1990 Gastvorlesung "Kreativität und künstliche musikalische Intelligenz" an der ETH Zürich.
  35. März 1990 Referat und Workshopleitung zur Mathematischen Musiktheorie und deren Computergraphischen Operationalisierung am WBZ-Kurs 90.23.18 "Musisches in den mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern" der Zentralstelle für Lehrerfortbildung.
  36. Sept. 1990 Einführungskurs zur Kompositionssoftware presto und zur Mathematischen Musiktheorie am Schweizerischen Zentrum für Computermusik in Oetwil am See.
  37. May 1991 Geometrie der Töne - Einführung in die Mathematische Musiktheorie. Referat an der Staatlichen Musikhochschule München.
  38. May 1991 presto - Software für musikalische Komposition. Referat und Demonstration am Musikwissenschaftlichen Seminar der Universität Zürich.
  39. Sept. 1991 Computergraphische Operationalisierung der Mathematischen Musiktheorie. Tagesseminar am Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung Darmstadt.
  40. Sept. 1991 Wechselwirkung zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik. Heureka- Symposion "Verantwortung der Wissenschaft in der Politik", Zürich
  41. Sept. 1991 Das Konzert "Synthesis" für Klavier, Schlagzeug und Bass - Einfühlung und Kreativität mit der Software presto. 7. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie, Bremen.
  42. Sept. 1991 Introduzzione alla teoria matematica della musica. Referat am Centro di Ricerche in Fisica e Matematica CERFIM, Locarno.
  43. Oct. 1991 Vermittlung zwischen Physik und Ästhetik in der Mathematischen Musiktheorie. 2. Bozner Treffen "Skalen und Harmonien" - Physikalische Grundlagen der musikalischen Ästhetik.
  44. Dec. 1991 Mathematische Musiktheorie im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ästhetik und Neurophysiologie. Tübinger Neurokolloquium des Max-Planck-Instituts für Biologische Kybernetik.
  45. April 1992 Mathematical Music Theory - An Infomal Survey. Corso di aggiornamento per docenti di matematica, CERFIM, Locarno.
  46. April 1992 Teoria Matematica della Musica: Arte o Scienza? Associazione L'Araba Fenice, Locarno.
  47. Sept. 1992 Neuronal Response in Limbic and Neocortical Structures During Perception of Consonances and Dissonances. PPSM-Conference, München.
  48. Sept. 1992 The Zürich Interpretation Workstation Project - An Overview. PPSM-Conference, München.
  49. Dec. 1992 Musical Performance and Vector Fields: Mathematical Music Theory between Physics and Esthetics. Univ. Mainz
  50. January 1993 Die Geometrie der Töne. Komponieren mit presto. ZKM Karlsruhe.
  51. April 1993 Einführung in die Kompositions-Software presto. Südtiroler Künstlerbund, Sparte Musik, Bozen
  52. June 1993 Erster RUBATO-Workshop. Institut für Informatik, ETH-Zürich
  53. July 1993 Musical Interpretation via Vector Fields: A New Human Workstation on the NEXTSTEP Environment. Stockholm Music and Acoustics Conference 1993
  54. Oct. 1993 Zeitfelder und -hierarchien in der Musiknotation. 7. Kongress D. Ges. f. Semiotik, Tübingen.
  55. Nov. 1993 Modell, Software und Experiment in der Mathematischen Musiktheorie. TU Ilmenau.
  56. June 1994 Die Vernunft des Gefühls in der musikalischen Interpretation. Herbert-von-Karajan-Symposium, Wien.
  57. July 1994 The RUBATO Workstation for Musical Analysis and Performance. 3rd ICMPC, ESCOM, Liège 1994.
  58. August 1994 Zweiter RUBATO-Workshop. Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich.
  59. Sept. 1994 The RUBATO Performance Workstation on NEXTSTEP. ICMC 94 Aarhus.
  60. Sept. 1994 Geometry and Logic of Musical Performance--Seven Theses for a Future Performance Science. Aarhus Symposium on Generative Grammars for Music Performance.
  61. Dec. 1994 Musikdenken an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium Musik und Informatik, Universität Tübingen.
  62. May 1995 Analysis and Performance of a Dream. Symposium on Musical Performance, KTH-Stockholm 1995
  63. June 1995 Towards Big Science: Geometric Logic of Music and its Technology. klangart 95, Universität Osnabrück.
  64. July 1995 Analyse und Interpretation musikalischer Werke - ein Programm? Informatik-Kolloquium, Universität Zürich.
  65. July 1995 Dritter RUBATO-Workshop: Eine offene Rechner-Plattform fuer Analyse und Interpretation musikalischer Werke. Workshop Staatliches Institut fuer Musikforschung und Technische Universität Berlin.
  66. Sept. 1995 Inverse Performance Theory. ICMC 95, Banff (Canada).
  67. Sept. 1995 Inverse Performance Theory. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ges. für Musikpsychologie, Universität Bremen.
  68. Sept. 1995 Vom RUBATO-Projekt zur "Big Science in Musicology". 10. int. Symposium der Studierenden der Musikwissenschaft MEDIEN-MUSIK-MENSCH, Universität Hamburg.
  69. Oct. 1995 RUBATO und Hypermedia in der Musik. Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, Universität Köln.
  70. Jan. 1996 Interpretation als Transformation musikalischer Symbole in physikalische Ereignisse, Kolloquium Physik & Musik , Physik-Institut, Universität Bern
  71. April 1996 Schönheit und Klassifikation musikalischer Strukturen, Mathematik & Musik-Projekt, FU Berlin
  72. April 1996 Musikalische Parameterräume im Spannungsfeld zwischen Technologie und Theorie Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft, TU Berlin
  73. April 1996 Die HarmoRubette, ein Software-Modul für Riemann-Theorie, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, HU Berlin
  74. June 1996 Mit dem Computer vom melodischen Einfall zur Jazz-Big-Band-Komposition Studium Generale: Musik in den Wissenschaften , Universität Tübingen
  75. July 1996 Rational Composition of Performances on the RUBATO Workstation, Symposion "Regulation kreativer Prozesse in der Musik", HU Berlin
  76. July 1996 Workshop zur Musiksemiotik, Arbeitsstelle für Semiotik, TU Berlin
  77. Oct. 1996 Theory and Hypermedia for Big Science in Musicology, Rutgers University, Cognitive Science, New Brunswick USA
  78. Oct. 1996 From Musical Analysis To Expressive Performance - Theory and Technology, University of Buffalo, Musicology Dpt., Buffalo USA
  79. Dec. 1996 Musikforschung mit Rubato, Universität Zürich, Institut für Informatik
  80. Dec. 1996 Theorie und Hypermedien für eine Big Science der Musik, Universität Bonn, Institut für Informatik
  81. June 1997 Music@EncycloSpace, klangart 1997
  82. July 1997 Schönheit und Klassifikation musikalischer Strukturen, Universität Augsburg, Mathematisches Institut
  83. Nov.1997 Musique et Mathématiques: Colloque "mathématiques et les autres sciences", Université Lausanne
  84. April 1998 Music and Mathematics: From Topos Theory To Music Software, ETAPS Conference, Lissabon
  85. June 1998 Humanities@EncycloSpace. Konferenz "Bauhaus der Kommunikation", Nixdorf & U Paderborn
  86. Sept. 1998 Four seminars at the conference "Unfolding Perceptual Continua" in Bolzano (Proff. Albertazzi/PoliUniversity of Trento)
    --Yoneda Perspectives and Pointers
    --Local and Global Manifolds
    --Consonance and Dissonance: Symmetries and Experiments
    --Genealogical Hierarchies: Grouping Performance 
  87. Feb. 1999 Musical Manifolds in Analysis and Composition. Invited talk at the Mathematics Institute of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City
  88. Feb. 1999 Shaping Musical Performance by Genealogical Trees of Vector Fields. Invited talk at the Institute for Applied Mathematics (IIMAS) of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City
  89. March 1999 Die fröhliche Y2K-Wissenschaft. Referat am Unternehmensmeeting der Software-Design-Firmen nose/perspectix, Zürich
  90. March 1999 Harmonien, Schlüssel zum Unbewussetn? ETHZ/Univ. ZH Woche des Gehirns
  91. March 1999 Multimediale Musikvermittlung. Round-Table Radio DRS 2/Forum
  92. May 1999 Twenty Years of Mathematical Music Theory Between CDategory Theory and Music Software. IRCAM, Paris
  93. May 1999 (with R. Poli) Semiotic Aspects of Generalized Bases of Data. invited paper at the 9th European-Japanes Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledga Bases, Hachimantai, Iwate, Japan
  94. June 1999 Degenerative Theory of Tonal Music. Klangart, Osnabrück
  95. June 1999 Moderation Round-Table "Global Brain...", Klangart-Conference, Univ. Osnabrück
  96. July 1999 Topologies and Semantics on Musical Motive Spaces. Kolloquium FB Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken
  97. Aug.1999 Shaping Musical Performance by Genealogical Trees of Vector Fields. Invited special talk at the EQUADIFF 99 conference, FU Berlin
  98. Aug. 1999 Kulturgespräch: Musik zwischen Kognition und Emotion. Forum Alpbach/Tirol
  99. Oct. 1999 Hjelmslev Stratification in Music Software Concepts. Semiotikkongress "Technologiocal Articulation and Articulation Technics in Music", Invited talk at International Semiotic Association, Berlin
  100. Oct. 1999 Logical and Geometric Methods of Denotator Theory in Musical Composition. Invited talk at Symposium Musikhochschule Dresden/Prof. Jentzsch
  101. Nov. 1999 Musik im digitalen Wissensraum. Invited talk at Congresso Svizzero SSPMP, Locarno
  102. Dec. 1999 Forum Diderot, European Math. Society: Mathematics and Music:
    --Invited talk: Music and Mathematics: A Geometrization of Logic?
    --Invitation to Round-Table: Video Conference Lisbon--Paris--Vienna
  103. Jan. 2000 Musik zwischen Hirnforschung und Mathematik. Invited talk at Seniorenuniversität Schaffhausen
  104. March 2000 Topoi of Forms and Denotators. Invited talk at séminaire IRCAM/Paris
  105. Oct. 2000 Mathematical Models of Tonal Modulation and Application to Beethoven's op.106 Invited Talk at the Seoul University/Korea
  106. Oct. 2000 Three invited talks at the annual conference of the Mexican Math. Soc:
    --Mathematical Music Theory - Status Quo 2000 (Key lecture)
    --Operators on Vector Fields of Genealogical Stemmata for Musical Performance
    --Classification Theory and Universal Constructions in Categories of Musical Objects
  107. Oct. 2000 Towards "Grand Unification" of Musical Composition, Analysis, and Performance. Invited lecture at the International Coimbra Conference on Teias Matematicas
  108. Nov. 2000 Penser la musique dans la logique des topoi. Invited talk at IRCAM/Paris
  109. March 2001 Kommunikation in der Musik — die Botschaft jenseits der Worte. Senioren Uni Schaffhausen
  110. May 2001 Formal Structures and Information Technology for Musical Representation, Analysis, and Performance. U St Gallen/MBA Program
  111. May 2001 La force créatrice de l'hétérogène. IRCAM/Paris
  112. June 2001 Manifolds and Stemmata in Musical Time. MPI/Neurobiologie, Martinsried-München
  113. June 2001 Concept and Implementation of the Internet Institute for Music Science. Klangart Conference, Osnabrück
  114. Five talks at the second international seminar for mathematical music theory at TU Berlin:
    - Denotators, Connotators, and Universal Concept Spaces
    - Direct and Inverse Theory of Performance Fields
    - Just and Well-tempered Modulation Theory
    - Extension Topologies and the Saturation Sheaf
    - Construction of Sonata op. 3 by Mathematical Methods
  115. Musik zwischen Gefühl und Kalkül. Conference and concert event at the Conservatory of Zürich
  116. Sept. 2001 Performance and Interpretation. Key-note lecture at the conference “Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music” at the University of Kassel
  117. Sept. 2001 Chair of round-table on “Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music” at the conference “supervision and control in engineering and music” at the University of Kassel
  118. A series of six 3-hour lectures at the joint seminar (MML/U Zürich and IRCAM) on mathematical music theory (MaMuX) at the IRCAM/Paris:
    - Nov. 2001 Introduction à la théorie mathématique de la musique.
    - Dec. 2001 Théorie des concepts locaux et globaux en musique. Première partie: théorie 'objective'
    - Jan. 2002 Théorie des concepts locaux et globaux en musique. Deuxième partie: théorie 'fonctorielle'
    - March 2002 American Set Theory et théories du diatonisme.
    - April 2002 On Tone Systems.
    - Mai 2002 Structures mathématiques dans l'interprétation et l'improvisation.
  119. Mai 2002 NDIT-Seminar on Digital Audio and Music at MML/U Zürich.
  120. June 2002 Formal Structures and Information Technology for Musical Representation, Analysis, and Performance. IU St Gallen/MBA Program
  121. June 2002 (with Göller S) Denotator-based Multimedia Navigation on Complex Data. CSD U Bern.
  122. June 2002 Der Computer als Instrument für musikalische Komposition und Interpretation. Volkshochschule Zürich.
  123. Nov. 2002 Signes, pointeurs, et schémas de concepts pour la musique. Lecture at the joint seminar (MML/U Zürich and IRCAM) on mathematical music theory (MaMuX) at the IRCAM/Paris.
  124. March 2003 The Cognitive Relevance of the Mathematical Counterpoint Model in Human Depth EEG. Lecture at the joint seminar (MML/U Zürich and IRCAM) on mathematical music theory (MaMuX) at the IRCAM/Paris.
  125. April 2003 (with Müller S) Perspectives of a Gestural Composition Theory. Lecture at the joint seminar (MML/U Zürich and IRCAM) on mathematical music theory (MaMuX) at the IRCAM/Paris.
  126. June 2003 EuroCODE: A Component-Based Semantic Knowledge Platform— Erfahrungen mit einem EU-Proposal aus dem MultiMedia Lab. Informatik-Kolloquium, Institut für Informatik, U Zurich
  127. Oct. 2003 Généraliser la Set Theory à la topologie harmonique et à la logique des topoï. Lecture at the Résonance conference “Autour de la Set Theory” at the IRCAM/Paris.
  128. Nov. 2003 Musikalisches Denken und Fühlen verstehen: Geometrische Logik, kognitive Aspekte und OO-Software. Invited Lecture at the CS Institute of the University of Salzburg.
  129. Dec. 2003 Applying Denotator Theory to the Case of Klumpenhouwer and Related Transformational Networks. Lecture at the joint seminar (MML/U Zürich and IRCAM) on mathematical music theory (MaMuX) at the IRCAM/Paris.
  130. March 2004 The Topos of Music—Sketches of a MaMuTh enterprise. Lecture at the joint seminar “Théorie des groupes, des catégories et des topoï en musique et dans les arts plastiques : aspects théoriques et perspectives philosophiques. (Séance organisée en collaboration avec le laboratoire disciplinaire Pensée des Sciences de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure) (MML/U Zürich and IRCAM) on mathematical music theory (MaMuX) at the IRCAM/Paris.
  131. May 2004. Recent Trends in Mathematical Music Theory: An Overview. Colloqium on Mathematical Music Theory. Mathematisches Institut, Univ. Graz.
  132. May 2004 Galois Theory of Concepts and the Classification of Musical Manifolds. Colloqium on Mathematical Music Theory. Mathematisches Institut, Univ. Graz.
  133. July 2004 Geheimnis eingefrorener Gesten – von der Erwärmung schwarzer Notenpunkte. Mathematik – Musik – Bewegung. 3. Maria Sibylla Merian-Kunsttag, Univ. Essen.
  134. November 2004 Round-Table on music and mathematics. ICMC 2004, Miami.
  135. December 2004 Die Mathematik der Musik im Hirn. Konferenz Medizin und Geschlecht, Univ. Essen.
  136. March 2005 Les multiperspectives du lemme de Yoneda pour comprendre la musique. Institut de mathématique, Ens Paris.
  137. March 2005 Classification d'objets globaux de préfaisceaux pour la musique Institut de mathématique, Ens Paris.
  138. March 2005 Les flèches — Gestes atomiques de la chimie diagrammatique des concepts. Séminaire Charles Alunni, Ens Paris.
  139. April 2005 Le rôle possible de la logique musicale dans une certaine intellectualité mathématique. Séminaire Musique et mathématiques, Ens Paris
  140. April 2005 Musique et mathématique. Talk show at Café des Sciences, Paris.
  141. June 2005 Die topologische Natur musikalischer Logik - von der Theorie zum Programm, ISCT talk, Hochschule Musik und Theater, Zürich.
  142. June 2005 Life Long Learning im Jet-Zeitalter. E-Learning FORUM, Univ. Zurich.
  143. October 2005 Core IT Mathematics (CoreITeM) — Modulare Konzepte und Implementierung eines Online-Kurses in Mathematik. Kolloquium "E-Learning an der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Zürich" Univ. Zurich.
  144. October 2005 La logique des diagrammes : médiatrice entre geste et formule. Séminaire musique et mathématiques, Ens Paris.
  145. October 2005 Les K-nets sont des limites. Lecture at the joint seminar (MML/U Zürich and IRCAM) on mathematical music theory (MaMuX) at the IRCAM/Paris.
  146. December 2005 Musikalische Geschichte und Fiktion — die Idee der Variation in Analyse und Komposition. Seminar Mathematik und Musik, Univ. Kaiserslautern.
  147. December 2005 Musical Gestures and their Diagrammatic Logic. Cognitive Science BB Seminar, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Univ. Zurich.
  148. January 2006 Global Networks in Computer Science? Computer Science Department Colloquium, ETH Zurich.
  149. April 2006 Gestures for the Science of Collaborative Arts. Invited lecture at the CLA of U Minnesota.
  150. May 2006 Gestures for the Science of Collaborative Arts. Lecture at the joint seminar (MML/U Zürich and IRCAM) on mathematical music theory (MaMuX) at the IRCAM/Paris.
  151. September 2006 Zu schön um falsch zu sein. Keynote speech, 25th SATW Anniversary, Bern.
  152. October 2006 Functores for Music: The Rubato Composer System. Lecture at the joint seminar (MML/U Zürich and IRCAM) on mathematical music theory (MaMuX) at the IRCAM/Paris.
  153. November 2006 Functores for Music: The Rubato Composer System. ICMC 2006, New Orleans.
  154. November 2006 Das Denken — Asservatenkammer erstarrter Gesten? Ringvorlesung Spuren, U Zürich.
  155. February 2007 The Rubato Collaboratory for Music. Spark Festival, U Minnesota.
  156. May 2007 Mathematical Theory of Gestures in Music. Keynote Talk at the International Conference Mathematics and Computation in Music, Berlin.
  157. May 2007 Grid Diagrams for Ornaments and Morphing. International Conference Mathematics and Computation in Music, Berlin.
  158. June 2007 Ce sont les points de Grothendieck qui font la musique. Colloque à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
  159. October 2007 Mathematical Theory of Gestures in Music. Thinking About Music Lecture Series at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music.
  160. November 2007 Restructuring Boulez by Gestural Composition on the Rubato Software. Colloquium of the School of Music, University of Minnesota.
  161. December 2007 Denken in Musik als Urform des Gedankenexperimentes. Symposium "Perspektiven der System(at)ischen Musikwissenschaft", Universität Osnabrück.
  162. December 2007 Les "Structures" de Pierre Boulez - un lemme de Yoneda en musique ? Lecture at the joint seminar (MML/U Zürich and IRCAM) on mathematical music theory (MaMuX) at the IRCAM/Paris.
  163. August 2008 Points de Grothendieck et gestes de Châtelet — les enjeux du lemme de Yondea dans la musique. Conférence Grothendieck et philosophie, Peyresq.
  164. November 2008 The Big Program. SMT conference, Nashville.
  165. February 2009 Beethoven's Score—A Dance Floor of Music. Spark Festival Minneapolis.
  166. September 2009 Shaping Musical Performance by Vector Fields. Applied Mathematics Seminar, U of Minnesota.
  167. January 2010 (with Florian Thalmann): Concepts and Software for Gestural Musical Realtime Composition. Computer Science Department Seminar, U of Minnesota.
  168. June 2010 (with Florian Thalmann): Gestural Shaping and Transformation in a Universal Space of Structure and Sound. ICMC 2010, New York.
  169. August 2010 (with Scott Lipscomb and Erkki Huovinen): The influence of a visual performance component on verbal ratings in response to “complex” musical sound. ICMPC11, Seattle, WA
  170. September 2010 Flow, Gesture, and Spaces in Free Jazz. Invited talk/recital at "The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performances" conference at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki.
  171. October 2010 Computer Based Concepts and Methods in Creating, Analysing and Performing Contemporary Music. Invited talk at Heidelberger Biennale für Neue Musik.
  172. November 2010 Mathematical music Theory—Status Quo 2010. Keynote talk at the 4th International Seminar on Mathematical Music Theory, Huatulco, Mexico.
  173. December 2010 What is Embodiment Science? Roundtable about Embodiment Science, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Minnesota.
  174. December 2010 Musikalische Gesten: Die Logik des Affekts. Invited talk at Kolloquiumsreihe Musik & Mensch, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Aarau.
  175. December 2010 What is Embodiment Science? Keynote talk at Embodiment Science Conference, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
  176. January 2011 Towards Gestural Music Analysis. AMS Special Session on Mathematical Techniques in Musical Analysis, AMS Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans.
  177. June 2011 Musical Compositon and Gestural Diagrams. MCM conference, IRCAM, Paris
  178. August 2011 Poietical Music Scores, facts, Processes, and Gestures. MuSA Symposium, Badan-Baden.
  179. September 2011 Towards Gestural Composition. STEIM Symposium Patterns and Pleasure, Amsterdam.
  180. April 2012 A Mathematical Inspiration for Musical Creativity. Public talk at Georgia State University conference Symbols for Sound, Atlanta
  181. April 2012 Seminar on the Software Rubato Composer. Mathematical Institute, Georgia State University conference Symbols for Sound, Atlanta
  182. April 2012 Formulas and Gestures. Mathematical Institute, Georgia State University conference Symbols for Sound, Atlanta
  183. October 2012 Philosophie de Yoneda, colimites et processus creatif dans l'op. 109 de Beethoven. IRCAM, MaMuX Seminar.
  184. November 2012 Mathematical Music Theory for Musical Creativity: four Examples. Methodology in Mathematical Music Theory: A Panel Discussion. AMS & SMT conference, New Orleans.
  185. November 2012 Facts, Processes, and Gestures in Music: Theory and Software for Creativity. Poland Annual TheoryLecture, School of Music, Ohio State University.
  186. February 2013 Cecil Taylor’s Dancing Fingers (lecture recital). London International Piano Symposium.
  187. May 2013 Sonic Practice, Discourse and Auditory Experimentation. MIT, Program in Art, Culture and Technology, Boston.
  188. May 2013 Visualization and Transformation in General Musical and Music-Theoretical Spaces. Music Encoding 2013 Conference in Mainz.
  189. June 2013 Hypergesture Homology for Performance Stemmata with Lie Operators. MCM Conference, McGill University, Montreal.
  190. June 2013 Towards a Categorical Theory of Creativity for Music, Discourse, and Cognition. MCM Conference, McGill University, Montreal.
  191. (with F. Thalmann) October 2013 Theory and Software for Tracing Musical Creativity in Composition. TCPM2013 conference, Schullich School of Music of McGill University, Montreal.
  192. (with F. Thalmann) October 2013 Using the Creative Process for Sound Design based on Generic Sound Forms. MUME2013 Conference, Metacreativity Workshop, Northeastern University, Boston.
  193. (with F. Thalmann) April 2014 Creativity and design as it applies to music and how new technologies are changing music. University of Minnesota DES 3141 Technology, Design, & Society guest lecture.
  194. April 2014 Melting Glass Beads—The Multiverse Game of Strings and Gestures. Composing Differences/ART2, e-flux NYC, organized by French Embassy et al.
  195. April 2014 Radio Workshop with philosopher Reza Negarestani on Philosophy of the Mind and Mathematical Gesture and Topos Theory. Workshops at MoMA’s AV Recording Studio, NYC.
  196. November 2014 Keynote Talk: Gestural Dynamics in Modulation—A Musical String Theory. International Congress on Music and Mathematics, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
  197. November 2014 Solo Piano Recital. International Congress on Music and Mathematics, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
  198. January 2015: Invited Talk: Towards Creative Gestural Control of Music Concepts. Midway Contenporary Art, Minneapolis.
  199. March 2015: Invited Talk, Master Class, and Concert. Georgia State University, "Improvising Brain II".
  200. June 2015 Solo Piano Recital. MCM conference 2015, Queen Mary U, London.
  201. June 2015 (with Maria Mannone) Talk: Hypergestures in ComplexTime: Creative Performance Between Symbolic and Physical Reality. MCM conference 2015, Queen Mary U, London.
  202. October 2015: Invited to Fernando Zalamea's Round Table around Grothendiek and Mathematical Music Theory. Pratt Insituted, NYC.
  203. September 2016: MaMuTh versus MuMaGm: The Creative Interplay of Gestures and Formulas in Music and Mathematics. Invited talk at conference "From Computational Creativity to Creativity Systems", ZIF Bielefeld
  204. June 2017: Mathematical Music Theory and the Musical Math Game - Two creative Ontological Switches. MCM conference 2017, UNAM Mexico
  205. June 2019: COMMUTE - Towards a Comoputational Music Theory of Everything. MCM conference 2019, Madrid

Review Board Publications

  1. Finslersche Zahlen. Commentarii Math. Helv. 44, pp.495-501, 1969.
  2. (with P. Hafner) The Cofinal Character of Uniform Spaces and Ordered Fields. Zeitschr. f. math. Logik und Grundlagen d. Math. 17, pp.377-384, 1971.
  3. Der Satz von der Zerlegung Finslerscher Zahlen in Primfaktoren. Math. Ann. 195, pp.227-244, 1972.
  4. Diophantische Gleichungen und die universelle Eigenschaft Finslerscher Zahlen. Math Ann. 202, pp.137-148, 1973.
  5. (with M. Fontana) Sur les anneaux et schémas co-discrets. Rend. Accad. Naz. d. Lincei, ser. VIII, vol. LVI, pp.45-51, 1974.
  6. (with M. Fontana) Schémas co-discrets et topologie constructible. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 279, pp.463-466, 1974.
  7. (with M. Fontana) Arithmétique fonctorielle. Rendiconti di Matematica, 8, pp.731-768, 1975.
  8. (mit M. Fontana) Arithmétique fonctorielle des topologies de Grothendieck. Ann. Univ. Ferrara, vol. XXII, pp.49-94, 1976.
  9. Les composantes irréductibles du schéma des algèbres de dimension 5. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 286, pp.389-390, 1978.
  10. The Algebraic and Geometric Classification of Associative Algebras of Dimension Five. manuscripta math. 27, pp.81-101, 1979.
  11. Generic Finite Schemes and Hochschild Cocycles. Commentarii Math. Helv. 55, pp.267-293, 1980.
  12. How to Count the Number of Irreducible Components of the Scheme of Finite-Dimensional Algebra-Structures. Journal of Algebra 78, pp.292-302, 1982.
  13. Sechs Thesen zur Rolle der Mathematik für die Musik. In: Musik und Mathematik, ed. H. Götze und R. Wille, Springer, Berlin 1985.
  14. M(2,Z)\Z2-o-scope. In: Musik und Mathematik, ed. H. Götze und R. Wille, Springer, Berlin 1985.
  15. Gruppen und Kategorien in der Musik: die Yoneda-Philosophie. In: Proceedings der 2. Darmstädter Tagung über Mathematik und Musik, erscheint bei Brockmeyer, Bochum.
  16. (with H.-G. Wieser) Musical Consonances and Dissonances: Are They Distinguished Independently by the Right and Left Hippocampi? Neuropsychologia 24, No.6, pp.805-812, 1986.
  17. Die Rolle des Symmetriedenkens für die Geschichte der europäischen Musik. In: Symmetrie in Kunst, Natur und Wissenschaft, Band 1. Roether, Darmstadt 1986.
  18. (with H.-G. Wieser) EEG Responses to Music in Limbic and Auditory Cortices. In: J. Engel ed.: Fundamental Mechanisms of Human Brain Function. Raven Press, New York 1987.
  19. Die Wahrnehmung von Musik nach Hirnläsionen verschiedener Lokalisation und während epileptischer Anfälle. In: III. H.-v.-Karajan-Symposion Musik-Gehirn-Computer, H. Petsche und G. Gruber Hrsg., Stiftung der Musikfreunde, Wien 1987.
  20. Konsonanz-Dissonanz und verborgene Symmetrien. In: Mikrotöne II, Ed. Helbling, Innsbruck 1988.
  21. (with H.G. Wieser, F. Brunner & D. Muzzulini) A Symmetry-Oriented Mathematical Model of Counterpoint and Related Neurophysiological Investigations by Depth-EEG. In: Symmetry: Unifying Human Understanding, II. Ed. by I. Hargittai, CAMWA/Pergamon Press, New York 1989.
  22. (with G.R. Hofmann) Der Music Designer MDZ71 - Hard- und Software für die Mathematische Musiktheorie. In: Musik - Gehirn - Spiel, Beiträge zum IV. H.-v.-Karajan-Symposion, Hrsg. H. Petsche, Birkhäuser, Basel 1989.
  23. (with V. Graber-Brunner & H.-G. Wieser) Hirnelektrische Vorgänge im limbischen System bei konsonanten und dissonanten Klängen. In: Musik - Gehirn - Spiel, Beiträge zum IV. H.-v.-Karajan-Symposion, Hrsg. H. Petsche, Birkhäuser, Basel 1989.
  24. (with D. Muzzulini) Tempo- und Stimmungsfelder: Perspektiven zukünftiger Musikcomputer. In: Mikrotöne III, Ed. Helbling, Innsbruck 1990.
  25. Mathematische Musiktheorie: Status quo 1990. Jber. d. Dt. Math.-Verein. 93, (1991) 6-29.
  26. (with D. Muzzulini) Deduktion des Quintparallelenverbots aus der Konsonanz-Dissonanz-Dichotomie. Musiktheorie, Laaber, zur Publikation angenommen 1992.
  27. Mathematical Music Theory - An Informal Survey. Note di matematica e fisica, CEFRIM, Anno 7., Vol. 7, Locarno 1994.
  28. Vermittlung zwischen Physik und Ästhetik in der Mathematischen Musiktheorie. Symposionsband "Bozner Treffen 1991", Hrsg. I. Hosp, V. Braitenberg, P. Mulser, Bozen 1992.
  29. The Zürich Interpretation Workstation Project - An Overview. In: Music and the Mind Machine. Hrsg. R. Steinberg, Springer, Berlin et al. 1995.
  30. Neuronal Response in Limbic and Neocortical Structures During Perception of Consonances and Dissonances. In: Music and the Mind Machine. Hrsg. R. Steinberg, Springer, Berlin et al. 1995.
  31. Musical Performance and Vector Fields: Mathematical Music Theory Between Physics and Esthetics. Bericht Nr. 34 des Interdisziplinären Arbeitskreises "Musik und Kunstinformatik" der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz 1998.
  32. Musical Interpretation via Vector Fields: A New Human Workstation on the NEXTSTEP Environment. In: SMAC 93 Proceedings of the Stockholm Music and Acoustics Conference 1993, Editors A. Friberg et al. , KTH Stockholm 1994.
  33. (with O. Zahorka) Tempo Curves Revisited: Hierarchies of Performance Fields. Computer Music Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1994.
  34. (with O. Zahorka) The RUBATO Workstation for Musical Analysis and Performance. In: Proceedings of the 3rd ICMPC, ESCOM, Liège 1994.
  35. (with O. Zahorka) The RUBATO Performance Workstation on NEXTSTEP. In: Proceedings of the ICMC 94, DIEM & ICMA, Aarhus 1994.
  36. Geometry and Logic of Musical Performance--Seven Theses for a Future Performance Science. In: Proceedings of the Aarhus Symposium on Generative Grammars for Music Performance. Ed. J. Sundberg , KTH Stockholm 1994.
  37. (with J. Stange und O. Zahorka) Analysis and Performance of a Dream. In: Proceedings of the 1995 Symposium on Musical Performance, Ed. J. Sundberg, KTH-Stockholm 1995.
  38. Inverse Performance Theory. Proceedings of the ICMC 95, ICMA, Banff 1995.
  39. (with O. Zahorka) Topologien gestalteter Motive in Kompositionen. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag J.P. Fricke, Hrsg. W. Auhagen et al., Postscript-Version: 1997.
  40. Vom RUBATO-Projekt zur "Big Science in Musicology". In: Hemker Th & Müllensiefen D (Hrg.): MEDIEN-MUSIK-MENSCH. von Bockel, Hamburg 1997.
  41. Semiotic Aspects of Musicology: Semiotics of Music. (70pp) - Art. 152, In: Posner et al. (eds): Semoitics (Handbook, Vol.III). W. de Gruyter, Berlin 1999. Preliminary Version auf
  42. (with J. Beran): Rational Composition of Performance. Proceedings of the Conference: "Regulation of Creative Processes in Music". Ed. R. Kopiez and W. Auhagen, Lang, Frankfurt and New York 1998.
  43. Towards Big Science: Geometric Logic of Music and its Technology. In: Symposionsband zur klangart 1995, Hrsg. B. Enders, Rasch, Osnabrück 1998.
  44. Die schöne Gefangene -- Metaphorik und Komplexität in der Musikwissenschaft. In: Festschrift Helga de la Motte-Haber. B. Barthelmes et al. (Hrg.), Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 1998.
  45. (with J. Stange-Elbe) Cooking a Canon with RUBATO--Performance Aspects of J.S. Bach's Kunst der Fuge. Proceedings of the ICMC 98, ICMA, Ann Arbor 1998.
  46. (with J. Beran): Analyzing Musical Structure and Performance--a Statistical Approach. Statistical Science. Vol. 14, No. 1, 47-79, 1999.
  47. Ouvir matematica? Coloquio/Ciencias No. 24, Revista de cultura cientifica, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lissabon 1999.
  48. (with J. Beran) Visualizing the Relationship Between Two Time-Series by Hierarchical Smoothing. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Vol. 8, No. 2, 213-238, 1999.
  49. Degenerative Theory of Tonal Music. In: Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Proceedings klangart 99, epOs, Univ. Osnabrück.
  50. (with J. Beran): Timing Microstructure in Schumann's "Träumerei" as an Expression of Harmony, Rhythm, and Motivic Structure in Music Performance. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 39, Issue 5/6, pp. 99-130, 2000.
  51. Music@EncycloSpace - Virtuelle Navigationsräume. In: Musik im virtuellen Raum (Symposiumsband klangart '97), Hrsg. B. Enders and J. Stange-Elbe, Rasch, Osnabrück 2000.
  52. (with R. Poli) Semiotic Aspects of Generalized Bases of Data. In: Kawaguchi E et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledga Bases, Hachimantai, Iwate, Japan, IOS Press, Amsterdam 2000.
  53. (with Ch. Buteau): From Contour Similarity to Motivic Topology. Musicae Scientiae, Vol.VI, No.2, 2000.
  54. The Topos Geometry of Musical Logic.In Assayag G. (ed.): Proceedings of the Fourth Diderot Symposium of the European Math. Soc., Springer, Heidelberg et al. 2001.
  55. Classifying Algebraic Schemes for Musical Manifolds. In Haluska, J (ed.): Music and Mathematics. Bratislava: Tatra Mountains Math. Publ.
  56. (with Ferretti R): Algebraic Varieties of Musical Performances. In Haluska, J (ed.): Harmonic Analysis and Tone Systems. Bratislava: Tatra Mountains Math. Publ., Vol.23 2001.
  57. (with Fleischer A, Noll Th): Computergestützte Musiktheorie. Musiktheorie 4/2000.
  58. Towards "Grand Unification" of Musical Composition, Analysis, and Performance. Appears in Oliveira P (ed.): Teias Matematicas, Ed. U Coimbra, Coimbra 2001.
  59. Penser la musique dans la logique fonctorielle des topos. In Nicolas F, Assayag G, Mazzola G (eds.): Philosophie, musique et mathématiques. Eds. IRCAM, Paris 2001.
  60. Modular and Dynamic Concepts for the Internet Institute for Music Science. EU-Commission/CORDIS Project Conference: (Powerpoint File)
  61. Mathematical Music Theory—Status Quo 2000. Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, Publ. Electronicas, Serie: Memorias Vol.1, 2002.
  62. Classifying Algebraic Schemes for Musical Manifolds. Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, Publ. Electronicas, Serie: Memorias Vol.1, 2002.
  63. The Internet Institute for Music Science—Concept and Implementation. In Fripertinger, H (ed.): Proceedings of the Klangart conference in Osnabrück 2002.
  64. (with Göller S) Performance and Interpretation. In Johannsen G (ed.): Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music. Special Issue, Journal of New Music Research, 2003.
  65. (with Müller S) The Extraction of Expressive Shaping in Performance. Computer Music Journal, 27(1). MIT Press, 2003.
  66. (with S. Müller) Constraint-based Shaping of Gestural Performance. Proceedings of the ICMC 03, ICMA, Ann Arbor 2003.
  67. (with O. Zahorka) Topologien gestalteter Motive in Kompositionen. In: K.W. Niemöller et al. (Hrsg.): Perspektiven und Methoden einer Systemischen Musikwissenschaft. Perter Lang, Frankfurt am Main et al. 2003.
  68. Towards “Grand Unifcation” of Musical Composition, Analysis, and Performance. In Oliveira P (ed.): Teias Matematicas, Ed. Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra, 2004.
  69. Towards a Galois Theory of Concepts. In: Mazzola G and Th Noll (eds.): Perspectives in Mathematical Music Theory. EpOs Osnabrück 2004.
  70. Mathematical Music Theory—Status Quo 2000. In: Mazzola G and Th Noll (eds.): Perspectives in Mathematical Music Theory. EpOs Osnabrück 2004.
  71. Vom Bruch mit der Disziplin zum Zusammenbruch des Wissens. In: K. Schärer et al.(Hrsg.): Brüche, Torsi, Unvollendetes. Chronos, Zürich 2004.
  72. Das Labyrinth der Schizophrenie, die Musik und das digitale Zeitalter. In: K. Schärer (Hrsg.): Königswege, Labyrinthe, Sackgassen. Chronos, Zürich 2004
  73. Local and Global Limit Denotators and the Classification of Global Compositions. In: H. Fripertinger, L. Reich (eds.): Colloquium on Mathematical Music Theory Grazer Math. Ber., ISSN 1016–7692 Bericht Nr. 347, 2005.
  74. Das Universum der Musik — Big Bang oder prästabilierte Harmonie. Bull. Soc. Frib. Sc. Nat. Vol. 94 (2005) p.51-76.
  75. (with M. Andreatta) From a Categorical Point of View: K-nets as Limit Denotators. Perspectives of New Music, volume 44, number 2 (Summer 2006).
  76. (with G. Milmeister) Functors for Music: The Rubato Composer System. Proceedings of the ICMC 2006, ICMA, Ann Arbor 2006.
  77. (with M. Andreatta) Formulas, Diagrams, and Gestures in Music. Journal of Mathematics and Music, Vol 1, Nr. 1 2007.
  78. (with F. Thalmann) Grid Diagrams for Ornaments and Morphing. In Noll, Th (ed.): Proceedings of the Internatiounal Conference Mathematics and Computation in Music, Berlin 2007.
  79. The Rubato Collaboratory for Music. In: D. Geers (ed.): Proceedings of the Spark Festival, University of Minnesota, School of Music, Minneapolis 2007.
  80. Das Denken — Asservatenkammer erstarrter Gesten? In: K. Schärer (Hrsg.): Spuren II, Chronos, Zürich 2007.
  81. (with J. Junod) From Fux To Ragas—Morphing Contrapuntal Worlds. Proceedings of the ICMC 2007, ICMA, Ann Arbor 2007.
  82. (with S. Lipscomb) Appreciation of complex musical sound: The influence of a visual performance component. Proceedings of the SMPC 2007.
  83. Jazz and the Creative Flow of Collaborative Gestures. In: Modelmog I. et al. (eds.): Annäherungen und Grenzüberschreitungen. Special volume on D. Jahnsen's 60th birthday, Essener Kolleg für Geschlechterforschung, Essen 2008.
  84. Die Mathematik der Musik im Hirn. In: Janshen, D. et al. (Eds.): Proceedings zur Konferenz "Medizin und Geschlecht", Univ. Essen, 2011.
  85. (with B. Stegemann) Hidden Symmetries of Classical Tonality in Schönberg’s Dodecaphonic Compositions. Journal of Mathematics and Music Vol 2, Nr. 1, 2008.
  86. (with G. Milmeister, K. Morsy, F. Thalmann) Functors for Music: The Rubato Composer System. In: Randy Adams, S. Gibson, S. Muller Arisona (eds.): Transdisciplinary Digital Art: Sound, Vision and the New Screen. Springer CCIS, Heidelberg et al. 2008.
  87. (with C. Losada, F. Thalmann, S. Tsuda): Topos Theory for a Creative Analysis of Boulez's Structures. In: Somashekhar Naimpally, Giuseppe Di Maio (eds.): Quaderni di Matematica,  Theory And  Applications of Proximity, Nearness and Uniformity, Vol 23, 2009.
  88. (with Soubhik Chakraborty, Sandeep Singh Solanki, Sayan Roy, Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy): A Statistical Comparison of Performance of Two Ragas (Dhuns) That Use the Same Notes. In: Proceedings of FRSM-2008, SCVRCPM, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2008.
  89. (with F. Thalmann) The BigBang Rubette: Gestural Music Composition With Rubato Composer. Proceedings of the ICMC 2008, ICMA, Ann Arbor 2008.
  90. (with Ch. Buteau) Motivic Analysis According To Rudolph Réti: Formalization By A Topological Model. Journal of Mathematics and Music Vol 2, Nr. 3, 2008.
  91. (with Manuela Kerer et al.): Demenz und Musik. Neuropsychiatrie, Vol. 23, Nr. 1, 2009.
  92. Categorical Gestures, the Diamond Conjecture, Lewin's Question, and the Hammerklavier Sonata. Journal of Mathematics and Music Vol 3, Nr. 1, 2009.
  93. (with Florian Thalmann): The Big Bang Rubette. Chapter 17 in: Gérard Milmeister: The Rubato Composer Software. Springer, Heidelberg 2009.
  94. (with Florian Thalmann): Creative Analysis of Boulez's Structures. Chapter 18 in: Gérard Milmeister: The Rubato Composer Software. Springer, Heidelberg 2009.
  95. Music and Mathematics: Two Adjoint Movements Between Formulas and Gestures. In: C. Bartocci and P. Odifreddi (Eds.): Matematica e Cultura, Vol.3, 2011.
  96. (with Florian Thalmann): Gestural Shaping and Transformation in a Universal Space of Structure and Sound. Proceedings of the ICMC 2010, ICMA, Ann Arbor 2010.
  97. Classification of Complex Musical Structures by Grassmann Schemes. In: Hans-Joachim Petsche, Albert C. Lewis, Jörg Liesen, Steve Russ (Eds.): From Past to Future: Grassmann's Work in Context. Proceedings of the Grassmann Bicentennial Conference, Birkhäuser, Basel 2010.
  98. (with Florian Thalmann): Affine Musical Transformations Using Multi-touch Gestures. Ninad-journal of ITC SRA, vol. 24, 2010.
  99. A Geometric Model of a Musical Performer’s Ontological Space. Ninad-journal of ITC SRA, vol. 24, 2010.
  100. Mathematical Music Theory—Status Quo 2010. In: (Ed. O Agustin, E Lluis-Puebla): Proceedings of the 4th Int. Seminar of Mathematical Music Theory in Huatulco Nov. 2010, Publicaciones Electrónicas de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana en su Serie Memorias, 2011.
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  101. (with Octavio A. Agustin-Aquino): On D. Tymoczko's critique of Mazzola's counterpoint theory. In: (Ed. O Agustin, E Lluis-Puebla): Proceedings of the 4th Int. Seminar of Mathematical Music Theory in Huatulco Nov. 2010, Publicaciones Electrónicas de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana en su Serie Memorias, 2011.
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  102. (with Manuela Kerer et al.): Das Arbeitsgedächtnis für Musik bei PatientInnen mit leichter kognitiver Beeinträchtigung und beginnender Alzheimer-Krankheit. Neuropsychiatrie, Springer, 18. Jan. 2013.
  103. Jouer de la musique—une expérience de pensée en gestes? In: A. Baldassarre (ed.): Musik Raum Akkord Bild / Music Space Chord Image: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Dorothea Baumann, P. Lang, 2011.
  104. (with Florian Thalmann): Musical Composition and Gestural Diagrams. In: C. Agon et al (eds.): Mathematics and Computation in Music - MCM 2011. Springer, Heidelberg 2011.
  105. (with Florian Thalmann): Poietical Music Scores: Facts, Processes, and Gestures. In: J. Dack et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden 2011.
  106. Due movimenti aggiunti tra formule e gesti. In: C. Bartocci and P. Odifreddi (Eds.): La Matematica, Vol.III, Enaudi, Torino 2011.
  107. (with Joomi Park): Creativity in Music: Theories, Strategies, and Composition Software. In: PyoungRyang Ko et al. (eds.): Proceedings of Korean Electro-Acoustic Society's 2011 Annual Conference, Seoul, Korea.
  108. (with Joomi Park): Creativity in Music: Theories, Strategies, and Composition Software. Emille, Vol. 9, Computer Music Society, Seoul National University, Korea, 2011.
  109. (with Joomi Park): La créativité de Beethoven dans la dernière variation de l'op. 109 — une nouvelle approches analytique utilisant le lemme de Yoneda. Andreatta M et al. (eds.): Musique/Sciences, Ircam-Delatour France 2012.
  110. Singular Homology on Hypergestures. Journal of Mathematics and Music Vol. 6, Nr. 1, p. 49-60, 2012.
  111. Thinking Music with Precision, Depth, and Passion. Special Issue on Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Music: Three Methodological Reflections. Journal of Mathematics and Music Vol., No. 2, p. 83-92, 2012.
  112. Mazzola's Comments to Wiggins' Text. Special Issue on Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Music: Three Methodological Reflections. Journal of Mathematics and Music Vol., No. 2, p. 129-134, 2012.
  113. Mazzola's Final Response. Special Issue on Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Music: Three Methodological Reflections. Journal of Mathematics and Music Vol., No. 2, p. 107-110, 2012.
  114. (with Alex Lubet and Romina De Novellis): Towards a Science of Embodiment. Cognitive Critique, Vol. 5, pp. 59-86, 2012.
  115. (with Moreno Andreatta): Celebrating Rudolf Wille's 75th anniversary and his contributions to Mathematical Music Theory. Journal of Mathematics and Music,Vol 6., No. 3, p. 229-230, 2012.
  116. Manifolds and Singular Homology of Compositions, Networks, and Gestures: Classification, Connecting Functors, Examples. Submitted 2013. Journal of Mathematics and Music, 2014.
  117. Hypergesture Homology for Performance Stemmata with Lie Operators. Springer proceedings of the MCM13 conference.
  118. (with David Walsh, Lauren Butler, Aleksey Polukeyev): Visualization Technologies for Music, Dance, and Staging in Operas. Leonardo Journal, 2013.
  119. (with Florian Thalmann): Visualization and Transformation in General Musical and Music-Theoretical Spaces. Proceedings of the Music Encoding 2013 Conference in Mainz, May 22-24, 2013.
  120. (with Florian Hecker): Chimerization and Speculative Solutions. Documenta 2013, September 10, Kassel. Published in Hecker's book Chemierization. Primary Information, 2013.
  121. (with Florian Thalmann): Theory and Software for Tracing Musical Creativity in Composition. Proceedings of the Conference Tracking the creative process in music, University of Montreal, October 10-12, 2013.
  122. (with Moreno Andreatta, Andrée Ehresmann, René Guitart): Towards a Categorical Theory of Creativity for Music, Discourse, and Cognition. Springer proceedings of the MCM13 conference.
  123. Das warme, helle Licht von Jürg Grau. In: Heer, Ch. (Hrsg.): Schattierungen von Grau. Verlagshaus am Friesenberg, Zürich 2013.
  124. (with Florian Thalmann): Using the Creative Process for Sound Design based on Generic Sound Forms. MUME 2013 proceedings, AAAI Press 2013.
  125. (with Manuela Kerer et al.): Explicit (Semantic) Memory for Music in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease. Experimental Aging Research, October 2013.
  126. (with Jan Beran et al.) On the relationship between tempo and quantitative metric, melodic and harmonic information in Chopin's Prélude op. 28, No. 4: a statistical analysis of 30 performances. Journal of Mathematics and Music,Vol 8., No. 3, p. 225-248, 2014.
  127. Boulez's Creative Analysis as a Compositional Strategy in the Light of Mathematical Music Theory. In: Nierhaus, G. (Ed.): Patterns of Intuition. Springer 2014.
  128. Flow, Gesture, and Spaces in Free Jazz. In: Marjaana Virtanen et al. (Eds.): The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performance. Conference Proceedings, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt et al. 2014.
  129. (with Florian Thalmann and Daniel Tormoen) The Composing Hand: Musical Creation with Leap Motion and the BigBang Rubette. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2014).
  130. (with Maria Mannone) Hegel's Conceptual Group Action on Creative Dynamics in Music. Gli Spazi della Musica, Università degli Studi di Torino 2014.
  131. (with Ruhan Alpaydin): HarmoRUBETTE reconsidered. Musicae Scientiae 2015.
  132. Gestural Dynamics in Modulation—A Musical String Theory. Proceedings of the International Congress on Music and Mathematics, Springer 2015.
  133. Theoretical and Experimental Music Science: Musikinformatik als Katalysator einer Neuordnung. EPOS publishing company, University of Osnabrück 2015.
  134. (with Maria Mannone) Hypergestures in Complex Time: Creative Performance Between Sybmbolic and Physical Reality. Springer proceedings of the MCM15 conference, 2015.
  135. Melting Glass Beads—The Multiverse Game of Gestures and Strings. In: Ida Soulard et al. (eds.): Glass Bead's online journal.
  136. Towards a Pre-semiotic Ontology of Gestures in Music. To appear in: Mittelberg, I and A Gerner (eds.:) Body diagrams. On the Epistemic Kinetics of Gestures. Cognitive linguistics and gesture studies, RWTH Aachen.
  137. (with Maria Mannone): Global Functorial Hypergestures over General Skeleta for Musical Performance. Appears in: Journal of Mathematics and Music 2016.
  138. (with Octavio Alberto Agustín-Aquino): Some contrapuntal observations on the mystic chord and Scriabin's Piano Sonata No. 5. arXiv:1606.05833, 2016
  139. Gestural Dynamics in Modulation: (Towards) a Musical String Theory. In: Pareyon, G., Pina-Romero, S., Agustin-Aquino, O.A., Lluis-Puebla, E. (Eds.): The Musical-Mathematical Mind. Springer Series Computational Music Science, Heidelberg 2017
  140. Mathematical Music Theory and the Musical Math Game - Two Creative Ontological Switches. Proceedings of the MCM conference 2017, UNAM Mexico, Springer, Heidelberg 2018
  141. (with Bill Heinze and Ruhan Alpaydin): Mathematical Analysis of Metrical Complexity in Brahms's Piano Sonata Op. 1. To appear in book about future composition, Springer 2020
  142. Consciousness, Creativity, and Complex Time in Music. John Rahn Festival volume 2018
  143. Complex Time for Consciousness and Creativity in Music: Synthesis of the Real and the Imaginary. Spazio Filosofico, ed. M. Santarelli 2018
  144. The Role of Mathematics for Music Theory, Composition, and Performance. In: Twentieth-Century Music and Mathematics, ed. R. Illiano, Prepols, Turnhout 2019
  145. A Computational Music Theory of Everything—Dream or Project. In: Bharath Sriramanet al. (eds.): Handbook of the Mathematics of the Arts and Science. Springer, Heidelberg 2019
  146. Towards a Computational Musical Theory of Everything. Proceedings of the MCM conference 2019, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Springer, Heidelberg 2019
  147. Functorial Semiotics for Creativity. Journal of Mathematics and Music 2019
  148. (with Octavio Alberto Agustín-Aquino): Modulation in Tetradic Harmony and its Role in Jazz. To appear in Journal of Mathematics and Music
  149. (with Octavio Alberto Agustín-Aquino): Some Contrapuntal Observations on the Mystic Chord and Scriabin's Piano Sonata No. 5. Proceedings of the MCM conference 2019, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Springer, Heidelberg 2019
  150. Musical Time: A Gestural Construction. Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics. June 2019
  151. (with Jordon Goebel) The Gestural Construction of Imaginary Time in Music. In: R Peck et al. (eds.): NEW DIRECTIONS IN WORLD MUSIC ANALYSIS, Routledge 2021
  152. The Gestural Construction of Musical Time, chapter in: Ch. Alunni et al. (eds): Diagrams and Gestures. Lectures in Morphogenesis by Springer, 2021
  153. Golden Circle and Musical Performance Theory. Submitted for publication 2021
  154. Local Gestural Compositions. Submitted for publication 2021
  155. Artificial Conceptual Networks for Music. Submitted for publication 2021
  156. Two Chapters on Music Composition and Painting Art Software in: Hofmann G R: Globale Provinz, Vergangenheitsverlag 2021
  157. Classification of Local and Global Compositions and Gestures. J. Mathematics 2022
  158. (with O Agustín-Aquino, J Liu): Exploring Exotic Counterpoint Compositions. 2022
  159. (with B Lee): Interdisciplinary Approaches to Musical Time. 2nd International Conference MUSICA ANALITICA, Coimbra, Portugal, Oct. 2023

PostScript and PDF versions of some papers.

Other Publications

  1. (with H.-G. Wieser) Musik, Gehirn und Gefühl. NZ für Musik, Feb. 1985.
  2. Structure and Music. In: Table ronde ROUSSEL UCLAF 55, Paris 1986.
  3. Obertöne oder Symmetrie: Was ist Harmonie? In: Mikrotöne, Ed. Helbling, Innsbruck 1986.
  4. Das Glasperlenspiel und die Schrittmacher der Fantasie. In: Proceedings zum Computer-Musik-Symposion ETH-Zürich 1986, erscheint bei Atlantis, Zürich.
  5. Die Wahl der Zahl - eine systematische Betrachtung des Streichquartetts. Dissonanz Nr.17, August 1988.
  6. Harmonische Algorithmen. Finanz und Wirtschaft, Sondernummer Informatik 88.
  7. Beethoven und Raffael im Computer. In: Symposionsband zur Vortragsreihe "Neue Medien: Auf-Bruch der Kunst?", Kunstakademie Nürnberg, erscheint in Nürnberg.
  8. Wechselwirkung zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik oder: Sind Spezialisten gemeingefährlich? In: Die Verantwortung der Wissenschaft in der Politik, Wissenschaftspolitik, Beiheft 58, 1993.
  9. "Synthesis" am Internationalen Jazz Festival Zürich 1991. Beiheft zum Konzert. Zürich 1991.
  10. Teoria Matematica della Musica: Arte o Scienza? Il Seminario, Trimestrale di Cultura, L'Araba Fenice, Locarno 1992.
  11. Die Vernunft des musikalischen Gefühls. Sonderhefte der Univ. und der ETH-Zürich zum Int. Mathematiker Kongress, Zürich 1994.
  12. (with O. Zahorka) RUBATO und der Einsatz von Hypermedien in der Musikforschung. In: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Bibliotheksinstituts 1, 1996.
  13. Computergestützte Musikforschung. In: Forschung und Entwicklung an den zukünftigen Musikhochschulen in der Schweiz. Expertenstudie, Schweizerischer Wissenschaftsrat, Bern 1997.
  14. Collaboratories. NZ für Musik Nr. 2, 1998.
  15. Humanities@EncycloSpace. To appear in: Conference Proceedings "Bauhaus der Kommunikation", Nixdorf & U Paderborn, Paderborn 1999.
  16. Wissensräume -- Ich verweise, also bin ich. In: unimagazin 4/98, Univ. Zürich 1998.
  17. Zünden wir eine geistige Atombombe! Weltwoche Nr. 33, 19. August 1999. 
  18. Humanities@EncycloSpace. To appear in: Conference Proceedings “Bauhaus der Kommunikation”, Nixdorf & U Paderborn, Paderborn 1999. Internet Summary:
  19. Music@EncycloSpace. Musik im digitalen Wissensraum: Sprache, Theorie und Technologie. In: Atti del Congresso svizzero “Fisica, Matematica, Musica”, Locarno 1999.
  20. Die Dynamik der Denotatoren. NZZ/Informatik, 27.6.2003.

Books and Reports

LPs, CDs, Opera, Music for Movies, and DVDs

  1. Mazzola/Piano Solo Kelvin Null OMP Records 1001 LP
  2. Mazzola/Piano Solo Akroasis Wergo SM 1024 LP
  3. Mazzola/Moor/Sollberger Aus dem Hinterhalt OMP Records 1002 LP
  4. Q4 Orchestra Lyons' Brood Creative Works CW 1018 CD
  5. Guerino Mazzola Synthesis SToA music ST-71.1001 CD
  6. Jan Beran Immaculate Concept SToA music ST-71.1002 CD
  7. Q4 Orchestra Yavapai Creative Works CW 1028 CD
  8. Rissi-Mazzola-Geisser Fuego Creative Works CW 1029 CD
  9. Brown-Mazzola-Geisser Orbit Music & Arts CD-1015 CD
  10. Mazzola-Geisser Toni's Delight Cadence Jazz Records 1090 CD
  11. Mazzola/Geisser/Fields/Turner Maze Quixotic Records 5002 CD
  12. Mazzola/Geisser /Fields/Maneri Heliopolis Cadence Jazz Records 1122 CD
  13. Mazzola/Geisser Folia Silkheart, Silkheart Records SHCD 153 CD
  14. Mazzola/Geisser/Rissi Tierra Cadence Jazz Records 1130 CD
  15. Mazzola/Geisser/Rissi Agua Cadence Jazz Records 1150 CD
  16. Mazzola/Geisser Someday Silkheart 154 CD
  17. Mazzola/Geisser/Fields/Maneri Chronotomy BlackSaint 120173-2 CD
  18. Mazzola/Geisser/Kato/Saga Live at Airegin ayler records aylDL-056
  19. Mazzola/Geisser/Rissi Aire Cadence Jazz Records 1130 CD
  20. Mazzola/Geisser/Rissi Heracleitos ayler records aylDL-069
  21. Mazzola/Geisser/Kaiser/Sirone Liquid Bridges Springer
  22. Mazzola/Geisser/Onuma Dancing the Body of Time Cadence Jazz Records 1239 CD
  23. Mazzola/Park Passionate Message, Silkheart, SHCD 159 CD
  24. Mazzola/Geisser/Kita Ma, pfMentum PFMCD 116
  25. Mazzola/Lubet Deep State, pfMentum PFMCD 119
  26. Mazzola/Geisser Live at Le Classique, pfMentum PFMCD 126
  27. Mazzola/Lubet/Leo/Zelinski/Holdman Negative Space, pfMentum PFMCD 136
  28. Mazzola/Lubet Subtle, pfMentum PFMCD 141


Since 1981 hundreds of publications for NZZ, DIE ZEIT, Die Weltwoche, Schweizer Illustrierte, Berner Zeitung, Musik und Theater, NZ für Musik, etc. Winner of the Zurich Journalist award. Former member of the Club of Swiss Science Writers.

Distinctions/Honours, Participations to "Review Board" or Professional Societies


Prof. Dr. Guerino Mazzola
US mobile   +1 612 802 54 96

Swiss address:
11 Wangenstrasse
CH-8600 Dübendorf
Phone P   +41 44 821 98 56

US address:
1589 Hillcrest Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55116 USA
Phone P   +1 651 222 36 01

School of Music, University of Minnesota
164 Ferguson Hall
2106 Fourth Street South
Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
Phone O   +1 612 624 44 87
Room # 164
